Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A new blog for the masses...

I've decided against the wisdom of many...many people....to create a new blog where I set the rules, I say what I want when I want...the power is unlimited. I am foaming at the mouth as I type this and the towel is not big enough to contain the excitement. I will look into ways of curing myself of this nasty habit if I am going to continue blogging. I'll ask jeeves, hes back after travelling the world and becoming 3d -> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2009/apr/20/ask-jeeves-resurrected

So what is going to be on this page? A load of **** most likely. Apparently I should of been preparing content for this blog 10 years in advance, provide incentives for people to join my blog and hold contests -> http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/05/10-ways-to-launch-a-new-blog-with-a-bang/

I will do nothing of the sort, this blog will be full of **** and I cant wait to flush it all down the intertubes. So if you keep coming back to the blog I will give you money!!